Powers of Two Cheatsheet

Cheatsheet for approximations of powers of two. See also Powers Of Ten.


Numbers of seconds approximated to “human” times (±20%).

Seconds Decimal Roughly Actual
2⁸ 256 4 minutes 4m16s
2¹⁰ 1,024 15 minutes 17m4s
2¹² 4,096 1 hour 1h8m16s
2¹⁴ 16,384 4 hours 4h33m4s
2¹⁶ 65,536 18 hours 18h12m16s
2¹⁸ 262,144 3 days 3d0h49m4s
2²⁰ 1.048×10⁶ 2 weeks 12d3h16m16s
2²⁴ 16.777×10⁶ 6 months 194d4h20m16s
2²⁸ 268.435×10⁶ 10 years ~8y185d
2³² 4.294×10⁹ 150 years ~136y36d
2⁴⁰ 1,099×10⁹ 35,000 years ~34841y
2⁴⁸ 281.474×10¹² 9 million years ~8919404y

Data Size

Base 2 given to 3 significant figures.

Bytes Base 2 Base 10
2¹⁰ 1KiB 1024B
2¹² 4KiB 4096B
2¹⁴ 16KiB 16.38KB
2¹⁶ 64KiB 65.54KB
2¹⁸ 256KiB 262.1KB
2²⁰ 1MiB 1.049MB
2²² 4MiB 4.194MB
2²⁴ 16MiB 16.78MB
2²⁶ 64MiB 67.11MB
2²⁸ 256MiB 268.4MB
2³⁰ 1GiB 1.074GB
2³² 4GiB 4.295GB
2³⁴ 16GiB 17.18GB
2³⁶ 64GiB 68.72GB
2³⁸ 256GiB 274.9GB
2⁴⁰ 1TiB 1.1GB
time  bytes  powers 

See also